Radeberger Gruppe international

We say it takes a village to brew a good beer. It takes even more people to bring those beers to more than 70 countries all around the world.

With decades of experience, our team headquartered in Frankfurt (Germany), has all the expertise to make sure our liquid Gold gets to where it needs to go… and beyond. Through cultural exchanges and business trips to our international partners, our team represents the fascinating German beer culture.

Thomas Freese

Managing director export

Thomas Freese joined the Radeberger Gruppe in 2008 as head of sales – and was responsible for the retail and restaurants business in this function. In 2015, Mr. Freese became managing director of the export department.

Jörg Peter

International marketing

Jörg Peter started in the beverage industry in 1995 and joined the Radeberger Gruppe in 2006, where he initially was responsible for various national and regional brands as a Marketing Manager, then supervised a strategic process in the company as a Change Manager, before becoming National Marketing Director in 2009. Since 2013, he has been active in the export business of the Radeberger Gruppe, where he is now responsible for international marketing and sales for the Commonwealth countries.

Kamil Krakes

International sales

Kamil Krakes has been active in the export sector since his career started in 1997. Initially closely linked to the Krusovice brand and its international rise which he, not least because of his pronounced language skills, accompanied, he has held the position of Managing Director for Export at the current brand owner. In 2009, he started in the export department of the Radeberger Gruppe in Frankfurt, which the Royal Brewery Krusovice belonged to from 1994 to 2007. There, he is responsible for international sales in parts of Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.


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