Our leadership

We say it takes a village to brew a good beer. It takes even more people to bring those beers to all 50 states.
With decades of experience, our team headquartered in Norwalk, CT and posted across the country, has all the expertise to make sure our liquid Gold gets to where it needs to go… and beyond. From our founding crew of 4, to our experienced team of over 35 employees across the country, we have become the German beer brand ambassadors.
Through cultural exchanges and educational trips, we make sure our team is able to authentically represent the fascinating German beer culture.

If you're interested in selling our products, please reach out to one of our Regional Managers to confirm which distributor is right for you.

Michael Binder

Chief Executive and Operating Officer

Dave Deuser

Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

Linda Simard

Vice President of National Accounts

Matthew Holmes

Vice President of Eastern States

John Nicholas

Region Manager Northeast States

Nick Lane

Region Manager Central States

Lyn Elton

Region Manager Western States

Regina Rivisto

Senior Marketing Manager


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